
2019年11月19日—Allowsyoutorewind/fastforwardyoutubevideosby10secasintheYouTube™Androidapp.Doubletapontheleftcentralsideofthevideo ...,,Watchtwovideosatonce:rateandcommentwhichoneyouprefer!,@DOUBLEDD‧44.2Ksubscribers‧13videos‧.DianaDahech(AKADOUBLED),Nonsense·Aplaylistforhighlights,clipsandmontagesofthedumbstuffthathappens...

YouTube™ Double Tap Scroller

2019年11月19日 — Allows you to rewind/fast forward youtube videos by 10 sec as in the YouTube™ Android app. Double tap on the left central side of the video ...

YouTube Doubler

Watch two videos at once: rate and comment which one you prefer!


@DOUBLEDD‧44.2K subscribers‧13 videos‧. Diana Dahech (AKA DOUBLE D) official YouTube channel. 7 more links. Subscribe.


Nonsense · A playlist for highlights, clips and montages of the dumb stuff that happens when I play games alone or with my friends. I tend to randomize this ...

Youtube Multiplier

Play from 2 to 8 YouTube videos at once, with global control. More images, more videos, more sounds, more fun! Make enjoyable mashups and share them.